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快播伦理电影在线 2021年12月六级作文忖度

         发布日期:2024-09-08 16:01    点击次数:103

快播伦理电影在线 2021年12月六级作文忖度




考研英语小作文忖度1:推选考研英语小作文忖度2:倡议考研英语小作文忖度3:给市长写信考研英语小作文忖度4:投诉考研英语大作文忖度1:子女素质(英语一)考研英语大作文忖度1:旅游花样(英语二)考研英语(一)大作文忖度2:自律 (四六级可参考)考研英语(二)大作文忖度2:在线素质用户考研英语(一)大作文忖度3:节俭












模拟忖度1  精神品性(名言评价)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying,“Put your hand no further than your sleeve will reach.” You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 


Provided that our human society intends to enjoy long-term prosperity, it is advisable for humans to be diligent, thrifty and innovative. Today, we talk about thrift and there is a saying about it: Put your hand no further than your sleeve will reach.

On the one hand, living in an era of consumerism, people are obsessed with purchasing a variety of material goods, such as expensive smart phones, portable computers and fancy clothes. However, I deem that it is of no necessity for us, as youngsters, to buy these luxurious products, if we cannot afford them. 

On the other hand,  it is exceedingly necessary for us to advocate and practice thrift. Without thrift, it would be possible for human beings to use up limited natural resources; without thrift, it would be impossible for us, as individuals, to gain the awareness of saving, which is the stepping stone that can enrich our spirit, enhance our healthy lifestyles and ensure more fruitful results in the future.

In conclusion, every social member ought to be educated to foster the sense of thrift. Meanwhile, we should bear in mind that thrift does ensure the social and our personal advancement. (196词)






模拟忖度2  后生遴聘(丹青简述)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then express your views on the remark, “Don’t follow others’ steps when making your own trip.” You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.  



This is an ironic and enlightening cartoon, where there are two ways to go upstairs. Though a growing number of people wait in lines, only one man chooses to climb upstairs. As a matter of fact, when making their own trip, a host of people always follow others’ steps .

On the one hand, living in an era of life-long learning, a large number of intelligent people have realized the importance of independent thinking. This ability is like a stepping stone which can ensure more fruitful results and enable youngsters to go further on the way of personal development. On the other hand, without independent judgment, it would be impossible for us to achieve success. A typical example is my friend Daniel, a college student with no social experience. He imitated Steve Jobs and dropped out of school to start his own business blindly. Without any doubt, he failed in the end. Therefore, supposing that people always follow others in a blind way, they will be prone to confine themselves to low efficiency, poor abilities and narrow-mindedness. 

In conclusion, provided that we intend to acquire and enjoy a promising and wonderful future, it is advisable for us to own courage and confidence to look for our own road.(209词) 





模拟忖度3  科技犀利(图表简述)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay based on the following chart: students’ purposes of reading on mobile phones. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 



This is a simple but enlightening pie chart on students' purposes of reading on their mobile phones in a certain university. The chart shows that gaining knowledge accounts for 59.5%, which is the largest. In addition, killing time and searching information take up 21.3% and 17% respectively. Other factors merely occupy a small percentage.

First and foremost, living in an era of information, we are using a variety of mobile devices, smart phones in particular. Indeed, compared with computers, mobile phones are smaller and more convenient to take and use. Thus, a growing number of college students choose smart cell phones to learn and search for information. Furthermore, acquiring knowledge is the most significant purpose of youngsters’ reading on mobile phones, which can enrich their minds, ensure more fruitful results and enable them to go further. Last but not least, I deem that it is not advisable for young people to spend too much time in reading on cell phones to kill time, which may confine them to low efficiency and poor abilities.

I, as a college student, am convinced that we are not supposed stare at mobile phones for a long time, which may harm our eyesight and lead to shortsightedness. (202词)





模拟忖度4  递次分析(递次提出)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on how to balance academic study and extracurricular activities. You can cite examples to illustrate your views. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


Supposing that college students intend to acquire and enjoy wonderful and rewarding college life, it is advisable for them to strike a balance between academic study and extracurricular activities. How to achieve that? There are several measures.

To begin with, college students are supposed to put academic study first since it is their major task. Without studying hard, it is impossible for them to acquire adequate professional knowledge or their degrees. Furthermore, youngsters in college ought to take part in after-class activities selectively because too many extracurricular activities may severely distract their academic study. A typical example is that my friend Daniel had no time for learning and he failed in the final exam, once trapped by more than 20 after-class activities including chess clubs, art clubs, and the basketball team. At last, students should be educated to improve their learning efficiency. Needless to say,  efficiency is the stepping stone which ensures more fruitful results, and enables them to better balance study and after-class activities.

In conclusion, I am deeply convinced that it is exceedingly necessary for us to devote 80% of our time to ensuring the academic success. The rest of our time can be utilized for fun and enjoyment.(201词)


假如大学生们想要取得而且享受精彩和有收货的的大学生涯,均衡好专科学习和课外活动就诅咒常理智的。若何作念到呢 ? 有几条递次。

率先,大学生应该把学业放在首位,因为这是他们的要害任务。莫得奋发学习, 他们就弗成能取得充足的专科学问并拿到学位。其次,在校的年青东谈主们应该有遴聘性地干预课外活动,因为同期干预太多课外活动会严重打扰他们的学业。一个典型的例子是,一朝堕入了包括围棋社团,艺术社团,篮球队在内的 20 多个课外活动中,我的一又友丹尼尔莫得了本领学习,期末磨砺也挂科了。终末,在校学生应该被素质去提高学习服从。毫无疑问,服从就像一块叩门砖,不错提高他们的学习服从,确保愈加丰硕的服从,并使他们巧合更好地均衡学习和活动。

总之,我信赖咱们有必要花 80% 的本领来确保学业奏效。其余本领用来玩乐和享受。




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